The Castle of Ali Pasha
Between Anthousa and Agia, on a hill that dominates the entire region of Parga, it’s built a massive imposing fortress, “the castle of Ali Pasha“. This is the fortress built by Ali pasha to supervise and lays siege to Parga.
On 17 February 1814 sowed death unannounced to the inhabitants of the region and especially in village Agia. Avenged in this way the autonomous those inhabitants who had sided with the Pargians.
The same year, tricking the French commander Ionian islands Danzelot with a smart letter, and builds the castle. One european architect built this for effective defense. Inside there is a vaulted regional corridor in the big tower with internal arches. Two Russian guns that he bought ali lying on the ground.
The castle is in good condition today. Spectacular views of the night when it is lit up in events period .
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